From Dawn to Dusk: Living in the Forbidden City

The story begins with a small, curious bird named Xiao Rui as she glides into the Forbidden City at the break of dawn. Xiao Rui explores the majestic palace with a sense of awe and wonder. Darting across vast blue skies and landing in different parts of the palace, Xiao Rui explores the historical setting. By observing a prince attending to his duties, Xiao Rui learns what leadership means and gains an understanding of the responsibilities facing the Emperor of China. Xiao Rui also learns about the day-to-day of palace life by witnessing normal daily activities.

“Now or Never,” a song from the musical, won second prize for original music in the video game category in the international 2021 Film Music Contest. Shirley Choi is the first composer from Hong Kong to receive the honour, competing against musicians from over 40 countries.

From Dawn to Dusk: Living in the Forbidden City combines traditional Chinese music with Western instruments and orchestration to create a compelling auditory experience that will thrill audiences.

Hong Kong Enharmonica in performance



Shirley Choi, Hong Kong Enharmonica Music Director (HKPM SHOWTIME!) / Bass

Adrian Sit, Guest Conductor

Ricky Hui, Guest Concertmaster/Violin

Linus Ho, Violin

Hugo Pang, Violin

Jayden Pang, Violin

Chris Tang, Cello

Elvis Pun, Horn

Dennis Tsui, Horn

Phoebe Kam, Flute

Carol Chan, Oboe

Theresa Lam, Clarinet

Fukien Secondary School Affiliated School Choir

Other Collaborators

Christopher Sin, MC

Samantha Tse, MC